Do Cats Fart?

Have you ever wondered whether your cat farts? This might not be the most exciting topic, but all cat parents should know their cat’s anatomy.    Flatulence (the accumulation of gas in the gut) is an entirely natural gastrointestinal function in all animals. Cats do fart, though their farts are not as loud or frequent… Continue reading Do Cats Fart?

Categorized as Cats

A Spider Bit Your Dog: Identifying the Bite & What You Should Do

Most spider stings on your dog will result in swelling and redness that won’t require veterinary attention. There are, however, a handful of spider species whose bites may be deadly to dogs. Spiders are highly dangerous, so in this post, we’ll consider how to recognise that a spider has bitten your dog and what to… Continue reading A Spider Bit Your Dog: Identifying the Bite & What You Should Do

Categorized as Dogs

Do Jack Russell Terriers Shed?

Jack Russells are an active dog breed that will keep you busy and excited throughout the day. Though they demand a lot of attention, their loyalty and protective nature make them perfect for families.  What is Their Shedding Rate? Despite what some people believe, Jack Russells shed—shedding moderately to heavily. Dogs with shorter hair shed… Continue reading Do Jack Russell Terriers Shed?

Categorized as Dogs

Can Cats Have Down Syndrome?

Is it possible for cats to be born with a condition known as Down syndrome? You may be surprised to learn how often veterinarians are asked this question. When a cat’s appearance and behaviour are like those of a person with Down syndrome, this question is often asked.   In recent years, social media has… Continue reading Can Cats Have Down Syndrome?

Categorized as Cats

Cat Grass: Is it Safe for My Cat?

Every cat parent out there should know that cats like a bit of vegetation in addition to their meat diets. Yes, your cat might enjoy cat grass. Every cat is an obligate carnivore, meaning they obtain their most essential nutrients from meat. Meat occupies the most significant percentage of their diet, but they like munching… Continue reading Cat Grass: Is it Safe for My Cat?

Categorized as Cats