Last Updated: January 21st, 2020
Any dog lover will tell you that bathing a dog is one of the most challenging parts of taking care of a pooch.
Unfortunately for many pet owners, it’s not a straightforward task that can be completed in a matter of minutes.
In most cases, bathing your dog may resemble a wrestling match.
You try to pin your dog down just long enough to get them clean, and when you finally do get your dog at ease, it seems as if they take every opportunity to wriggle away from your grasp and run like crazy, spreading mess throughout your whole home!
It does not take a genius to figure out how messy and dirty your house can get when this happens.
The struggle to get your dog bathed in under 30 minutes is real, but it is made easier with the help of a dog bath tub, and this guide will help you find the perfect tub for your pup.
Staff recommended bath – Booster Bath X-Large
What is a Dog Bath Tub?
A dog bath tub, as the name implies, is a small plastic or metal tub where pet owners can bathe their dogs without fear of them running off or slipping over.
Dog bath tubs come in many shapes and sizes including elevated tubs that allow you to freely wash your dog without the backache that comes with bathing your dog in a traditional bath.
There are a number of benefits that come with a dog bath tub, and this guide will look at those in detail as well as review the best dog bath tubs currently available.
We will examine the benefits in more detail below but they include not having to deal with your dog’s fur clogging up a regular tub and also being able to purchase a tub that is exactly the right fit for your pooch.

The Different Types of Dog Bath Tubs
There are three different types of dog tubs that you can use to bathe your pet.
These are domestic tubs, intermediate tubs, and professional grooming tubs.
To many these names may not mean much at all..they didn’t to us either when we first started grooming our dogs at home so here’s a detailed description of what each tub can be used for:
Domestic Tub – This kind of dog bathing tub is used mainly for home grooming.
It is mostly made of plastic and is usually easy to transport and store away for later use.
These dog bath tubs are like large basins. Some have built-in drains and plug directly into your garden hose while others are plain and do not have a lot of added features.
The advantage of using domestic tubs is that they are affordable and easy to transport throughout your home. They are also often small enough to fit in the back of your car so you can wash your dog wherever you are, perfect for those awesome but messy camping trips!
The not so great thing about this type of dog bath tub is that they can sometimes be quite cumbersome to use as you will need to hold the garden hose up and throw out the used water manually. However, once you get the hang of these chores, domestic tubs are a great way to bathe pets at home.
Intermediate Tub – This kind of tub is very similar in style but usually has more features than a domestic tub.
They are also very portable and handy like the domestic tub however the difference lies in the attachment and accessories that come with an intermediate dog bath tub.
Some tubs in this category have an automatic drain plug, shower like attachments for your garden hose or faucet, and so much more.
This kind of dog bath tub can be used in your home if you do not mind paying the higher price while professional dog groomers also use these types of bath tub for their mobile dog grooming services or if they ever need to make a house call.
Professional Grooming Tubs – These dog bath tubs often do not resemble conventional dog tubs at all.
Instead, they look like those sinks in medical shows where surgeons wash their hands. Honestly, that is the best way we can describe them.
They are often made of stainless steel, are incredibly durable, and have accessories that make grooming dogs more convenient.
Vets and professional dog groomers use this kind of tub to clean and examine dogs closely.
This equipment is an investment as they can be costly so will probably not be your first choice when it comes to finding a dog bath tub for your home but may be an option if you have the luxury of a built-in dog grooming room..we can all dream can’t we??
How Much Does a Dog Bath Tub Cost?
The price of a dog bath tub all depends on the type of tub you go for as well as any additional features offered.
Professional grooming tubs are obviously by far the most expensive, with the average price for one of these tubs around $2,000.
However, for a tub that is only going to be used for home grooming, anything from $40 to $150 is a fair price.
Again this depends on the size of the tub you choose, with those designed for extra large dogs costing more than smaller, more compact versions.
Unless you intend to open your own dog grooming salon we don’t necessarily recommend paying out for a professional dog grooming tub however we have included a review of one below just to offer a comparison of the benefits and features when compared with other types of container.
We hope we have included a tub perfect for your budget in our product reviews section but if we haven’t, please do get in touch and we will be happy to choose an item perfect for your pet.

Why You Should Use a Dog Bath Tub
As an owner, you probably already know only too well how dogs need to be often bathed because they can get filthy and messy. Unfortunately, this is just a fact that all dog owners just have to put up with from time to time.
Just as you wash daily, you need to bathe your dog regularly for health and hygiene reasons.
With a dog bath tub, the task is made a whole lot more convenient, even quite simple at times and it can also be more comfortable for your dog as well.Here are four key reasons why it is essential to invest in a dog bath tub for your pooch:
- Stop your dog from running away during bath time – a dog bath tub is often elevated so your dog won’t be tempted to jump out.You can also buy tubs deep enough, so your dog only sees you and not the surroundings. This ensures they don’t become distracted or get tempted to run after something that catches their attention while they are still full of suds.
- Helps relieve you of lower back pain – washing your dog on the floor means that you have to bend and strain your back every time you want to wash them properly.With a dog bath tub, you can wash your dog without bending because the container is elevated.Often, the elevation can also be adjusted so you can wash your dog from a countertop or even while standing up. Leaving it entirely up to you which one you prefer.
- Wash your dog on the go – if you happen to be traveling and need to wash your dog immediately, a convenient dog bath tub can be used wherever you go, perfect for pet owners on the move often!
- Positive association – by choosing to wash your dog in a tub explicitly designed for dog grooming you will create positive association around bath time.
There is nothing worse for your pet than being dipped into a huge tub that’s made for humans but can be overwhelming and intimidating for dogs.
Instead a tub perfect in size for your pooch will make a world of difference.
5 Best Dog Bath Tub Reviews
In this section, we offer an in-depth review of some of the best dog bath tubs available on the market today.
We have also tried to pick out the pros and cons of each product to offer as much insight into the quality of each product as possible and to ultimately help you decide which is the best tub for your pet.
1. Flying Pig Portable Grooming Bath Tub
This dog bath tub is made of a UV protected plastic basin and stainless steel legs. It also has a built-in drain for easy removal of bath water.
Its size is perfect for small to medium dogs while the legs have built-in levelers so that they do not wobble or topple over on uneven surfaces.
This tub is easy to assemble and dismantle after use, and its size is small enough to fit in your garage and other storage spaces. If you decide not to store it away, it still won’t take up too much space as we can testify having used one for the last five years.
The great thing about this product is that you can take it almost anywhere.
It can fit in your trunk easily and is also inexpensive compared to other dog bath tubs of this quality.
It is lightweight and easy to transport from one place to another, however, the downside to this kind of dog tub, is that it is not ideal if you have a bigger dog.
Large dogs can easily jump out of this tub, so you have to be careful with larger breeds.

2. Flying Pig Professional Dog Bath Tub
As already outlined above a professional dog tub is an investment, but we just had to include this Flying Pig Professional dog bath tub in our roundup because it is the best of its kind.
The Flying Pig Grooming Bath Tub is made of stainless steel all over. It is the kind of tub that professional dog groomers and vets use to clean and examine dogs and has two different hose attachments, a built-in drain, and is so durable that it can probably last a lifetime.
This tub is a great buy and can fit any size and breed of dogs.
There aren’t too many disadvantages when it comes to this tub except for its price.
As with very durable products like this, the price tag is expected to be high and you certainly get a very high quality bath tub for the cost.
3. Booster Bath for Large Pets
This dog bath tub can hold pets up to 125lbs!
It is made of lightweight plastic and has plastic legs that slot together easily, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used to wash large dogs.
In fact, its lightweight design makes it ideal for bathing dogs outdoors or even in a temporary location while it comes in 4 different colors for you to choose from. There’s blue, pink, lilac, and red meaning you can customize your purchase to your exact tastes.
The booster bath for large pets also comes with a built-in collar attachment to prevent your dog from running away while you are still bathing them, perfect for dogs who become agitated or nervous during the grooming process.
The good thing about this tub is that it can fit bigger dogs as shown by the weight it can hold.
The collar or straps are also designed to ensure that even large dogs will stay put while being bathed.
Instead of a drain plug, one end of the tub is open for the water to flow out freely and this tub is also very affordable.
What may be a miss for this product is the height. It only elevates up to 3 feet which means if you are 5 foot 8 person you’ll still need to bend over to wash your dog, not ideal for those aches or pains!
This also means if you try putting it on top of a table, bigger dogs can be harder to clean because you need to stretch to reach up however with some practice we’re sure you will find the perfect height to bathe your dog at so shouldn’t let it put you off.
4. Booster Bath X-Large (Recommended)
The design of this dog bath tub is similar to tub reviewed directly above and the simple reason for that is they have the same manufacturer.
They are almost identical except for the option to attach steps to the side of this dog bath tub which can be a convenient addition.
This will allow your dog to walk up and down to the tub, perfect for pets with limited mobility.
This tub can carry up to 175lbs. in pet weight so can easily handle large dogs.
We found the good thing about this product is again its portability.
Its lightweight body makes it easy to take along with wherever you go if you head off on a road trip with your pooch but also makes it very easy to use in different parts of your home as well.
The downside is that it is quite expensive compared to similar products and the stair attachment probably adds to the price but like we said if you do have older pets or those slightly less agile than this addition can be priceless so well worth the investment.
5. Pet Gear Tub
For owners on a budget, this is the dog tub for you.
This dog bath tub resembles a baby’s bath and comes in colors blue and pink.
It has a rubberized bottom so that it does not move around while you are bathing your dog and also has built-in storage trays where you can place your dog’s shampoo and other grooming materials, perfect for storing your grooming kit all in one place and not forgetting where you left any items!
It has two tethers to secure your dog while you wash them, again offering a peace of mind that your dog won’t just be able to dart off or fall and injure themselves.
The best thing about this product is that it does what it is intended to do for a smaller price than most of the products reviewed above.
The downside is that it is not elevated so may prove tough for small pets which could cause you to bend further than you would like to.
Wrapping Up
These reviews are meant to guide you in your journey towards purchasing the right bath tub for your dog.
We hope the comparisons have helped and remember to always keep your pet’s needs in mind before buying anything grooming related, this will help to ensure you find the right fit for your dog.
The reviews above cover a range of tubs, those designed specifically for larger dogs as well as options for regular and smaller pets as well.
Although this may not sound like a big deal now, you will soon discover how much more awkward the grooming process becomes once you attempt to clean a large dog in a tub made for smaller breeds so make sure you choose carefully.
With a dog bath tub not only will your pooch feel more comfortable but a well-designed tub will also make the whole process far more comfortable for you as well.
Knowing that your dog will grow to love being groomed makes bath time more enjoyable than ever.
Here’s to happy dog bath tub hunting!
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